Feedback Requested

We began this website back in 2008 in an effort to help Higley Association members communicate, show just how beautiful and active our community is and to assist when things were damaged or lost.  We hope that we've been successful, but times have certainly changed in 16 years!!  Do we need to make changes too?

Today, we have a very active Facebook Page that thousands view and follow regularly and which contains the same information as this website.   In addition, the Town Of Colton maintains it's own website and Facebook Page for Town activities.  And now, we have a wonderful new Facebook Page created by Kim Carr which allows private postings. 

While Facebook provides their pages for free and are easy to maintain, our website costs the Association approximately $300 each year and must be handled by one person (me).  So, it's time for informal feedback to tell us if this website and expense is worth continuing.  Please click HERE and send us a quick email saying "Drop It" or "Keep It" and any other comments you care to make.  We do want to hear from you for this decision.

(as info, our email is: if you have problems with the HERE link)